Friday, May 6, 2011

What rendering engine does cfdocument use for HTML->PDF conversion?

Simple question: Does anyone know what CF8 uses to render HTML into PDF?

More specifically, I'd like to know the version and if there's a complete description of what styles it does/doesn't support.

(for example, it doesn't support CSS page breaking - you need to use cfdocumentitem which isn't as flexible)

From stackoverflow
  • The documentation for the cfdocument tag includes a listing of the supported CSS styles.

    Peter Boughton : *slaps head* I looked at that page, don't know how I missed those. :(
  • From what I remember, cfdocument uses iText to generate PDFs. I don't remember the version number, but you could open up the itext.jar and view the manifest which should contain the version.

  • Yes, it does use iText. CF8 uses version 1.4:

    <cfset doc = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Document")>
    <cfdump var="#doc.getVersion()#">
  • CFDOCUMENT uses ICEBrowser to render the HTML and then iText to write it to PDF.

    I Never Finish Anythi : This is actually the correct answer.


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