Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What is lisp used for today and where do you think it's going ?

Never been a lisp user, so don't take me as too dense while reading this.

But what is lisp used for today ?

I know there are several variants of the language in existence, at least one which will keep it alive commercially for a while longer (AutoLisp, VisualLisp - pretty big support from Autodesk) ... but I don't meet everyday people using it. So if you can shed some light on the matter - what is it's primary target market nowadays ?
And what do you believe its future will be ... will it become just another support language in few apps, or is it going somewhere ?

Also, apart from "an editor whose name shall not be spoken" what other apps keep it as a support language ?

From stackoverflow
  • One example from my lisp projects:

    ShareBot: It downloads stock market data, analyses it and trades automatically. Credits money into my bank account every month!

  • The Lisp dialect Clojure seems to be growing in popularity - you might ask out at http://clojure.org/ in one of the forums to see what real-world apps people are building with it.

  • Seems to be existent in the job market

    24 jobs on dice.

  • Common Lisp isn't widely used in the field at all, but here is one of the most succesful applications I know of.

    ITA Software: Airfare Shopping Engine and Franz lisp has a list of others.

  • CoCreate Modeling, an extensive 3D CAD application uses Common Lisp as its extension language. AFAIK there are now 1M+ LOC in Common Lisp for that application. Actually Common Lisp is not only the extension language, but large parts of the application are written in Common Lisp (plus some C++).

    Other than that Lisp is a family of diverse dialects with diverse implementations (Scheme, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Visual Lisp, Clojure, Logo, ...) and several others.

    Strengths are for example:

    • symbolic computing (Maxima, Reduce, Axiom, ACL2, ...)
    • AI, Semantic Web, ... (see the customer stories of Franz for some examples)
    • CAD (AutoCAD, CoCreate, and several others)
    • Music (OpenMusic, Common Music, PWGL, ...)
    • graphical applications (see the LispWorks customer stories for some examples)
    • development environments (Emacs and others)
    • Education (DrScheme, ...)
    ldigas : Interesting. Very interesting. I used CADDS on a daily basis, and yet I never heard of this one. Thanks for the tip !
  • Aircraft Design : http://www.piano.aero/

    LispWorks lists several applications : http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/index.html

    Franz technologies are widely applicable : http://www.franz.com/

  • Also see the topics of the International Lisp conference 2009. This should give you an impression what people are using Lisp for and what new ideas they are thinking about.

  • I wanted to typeset some music last week, and the program with the best reputation (free or otherwise) seemed to be Lilypond. I was pleasantly surprised to see it's largely written in, and customizable with, Scheme.

    thSoft : For further information about how Scheme is used in LilyPond, refer to http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/extending/index
  • Mostly for configuring and extending Emacs!


  • It is used for anything ant everything that all other programming languages are used for, including web, games, internal applications, ...

  • Today lisp is used AI System where the sympolic Data explanation is used.Mainly Lisp is devloped by show the functioning of List. but it use as a symbolic representative language


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