I can't seem to find an answer to this in any of the numerous Vim scripting tutorials online. What I want to do is construct a file name of a script from environment variables and then source it. And I want to do it in Vim.
If I were to do it in a shell I'd do something like this:
source ${HOME}/.vim/myscript_${FOO}.vim
How do I do it in Vim?
You can use the execute command:
:exec ":source " . $HOME . "/.vim/myscript_" . l:foo . ".vim"
works for me:% export MYPATH='a/b/c' % mkdir -p $MYPATH % export MYFILE='temp.vim' % cat > $MYPATH/$MYFILE echo 'hello world' ^D % vim :source $MYPATH/$MYFILE hello world
If you want to have some vim scripts automatically sourced though, just stick them in your
directory, and they'll be loaded for you, without having to do it manually.From
:help expand-environment-var
(which I got by doing:help environment
and tab completing to the first likely result)*:set_env* *expand-env* *expand-environment-var* Environment variables in specific string options will be expanded. If the environment variable exists the '$' and the following environment variable name is replaced with its value. If it does not exist the '$' and the name are not modified. Any non-id character (not a letter, digit or '_') may follow the environment variable name. That character and what follows is appended to the value of the environment variable. Examples: > :set term=$TERM.new :set path=/usr/$INCLUDE,$HOME/include,. When adding or removing a string from an option with ":set opt-=val" or ":set opt+=val" the expansion is done before the adding or removing.
I tend to find vim's built in help more useful than anything else, but it does take a while to get the knack of knowing what to look for.
Magnus : Yes, I know that works, but your script path differs in a very specific way; you don't concatenate anything to your environment variables!joeytwiddle : (+1) Although Magnus originally said "environment variables" I thought he meant "vim variables". rampion's solution does work for me with environment variables and concatenation. :source $HOME/.vim/myscript_$FOO.vim
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