Thursday, May 5, 2011

how to create a xml document on the fly with xquery?

Hi all,

I what to use XQuery to convert string like "aaa=1&bbb=2" into xml


I have tried the following code, but failed!

xquery version "1.0" encoding "GBK";
(:: pragma  type="xs:anyType" ::)

declare namespace xf = "";

declare function xf:query2xml($queryStr as xs:string)
    as element(*) {
     for $c in
      fn:tokenize($queryStr, "&amp;")
     let $myname as xs:string := "{fn:substring-before($c,"=")}"
       {fn:QName("", $myname)}

The error message is:

line 15, column 6:  "{}QName": unknown function (or number of arguments (2) is wrong)  BNetAP/Xquery query2xml.xq line 15 1241431186406 397

I have no idea why "QName" is a "unknow function"?!

From stackoverflow
  • You should be using the constructor xs:QName, not fn:QName.

    The body of your constructed element also looks a bit suspicious:


    is in fact a comparison between the string "{fn:substring-after($c," and the string ")}" so the content of the element would just be the text "false".

    Similarly you $myname variable is actually being set to false and so will raise a type check error at run time.

    Your function should probably be as follows:

    declare function xf:query2xml($queryStr as xs:string)
        as element(*) {
        for $c in fn:tokenize($queryStr, "&amp;")
        let $myname := fn:substring-before($c,"=")
            {xs:QName("", $myname)}

    A computed element constructor can also accept just a string for its name, so your return expression could be simplified to just

    return element {$myname} {fn:substring-after($c,"=")}


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