Hi, I am working on a testing framework for the software that my company writes. Our product is web based and After I run a RESTful request I want to process the results. I want to be able to have activerecord type validations in each command class so that after it is run the results are automatically tested against all the "validations". However, I am not sure how to do this. My code looks like this (simplified to show the important parts).
class CodesecureCommand
def execute
result = RestClient.post("http://#{codesecure.host_name_port}#{path}", post_data)
return parse(result) #parse simple returns a Hpricot document
class RunScan < CodesecureCommand
#What I have now
#I have to override the execute function so that it calls the local success method
#to see if it failed or not.
def execute()
result = super()
if success(result)
return true
def success(result)
result.search('div.transaction-message') do |message|
if message.innerHTML.scan(/Configure abuse setting for domain users successfully\./).length == 1
return true
#What I would like is to be able to call execute (without having to override it).
#then after it runs it calls back to this class to check
#if the regex matches the command was successful and returns true
test_success /regex/
#if test_success fails then these are called
#the idea being that I can use the regex to identify errors that happened then
#report them to the user
identify_error /regex/, "message"
identify_error /regex/, "message"
What I want is that after the execute method is called the test_success and identify_error are automatically called like the validations in activerecord. Can anybody tell me how to do this? Thanks
Without having looked much at your code, here's my take on implementing validation class methods:
module Validations def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def validate errors.clear self.class.validations.each {|validation| validation.call(self) } end def valid? validate errors.blank? end def errors @errors ||= {} end module ClassMethods def validations @validations ||= [] end def validates_presence_of(*attributes) validates_attributes(*attributes) do |instance, attribute, value, options| instance.errors[attribute] = "cant't be blank" if value.blank? end end def validates_format_of(*attributes) validates_attributes(*attributes) do |instance, attribute, value, options| instance.errors[attribute] = "is invalid" unless value =~ options[:with] end end def validates_attributes(*attributes, &proc) options = attributes.extract_options! validations << Proc.new { |instance| attributes.each {|attribute| proc.call(instance, attribute, instance.__send__(attribute), options) } } end end end
It assumes that ActiveSupport is around, which it is in a Rails environment. You might want to extend it to allow multiple errors per attribute, with
instance.errors[attribute] << "the message"
, but I left out obscurities like that in order to keep this short sample as simple as possible.Here's a short usage example:
class MyClass include Validations attr_accessor :foo validates_presence_of :foo validates_format_of :foo, :with => /^[a-z]+$/ end a = MyClass.new puts a.valid? # => false a.foo = "letters" puts a.valid? # => true a.foo = "Oh crap$(!)*#" puts a.valid? # => false
Josh Moore : Thanks for the answer that is what I am looking for thanks. One question, what does it require ActiveSupport? thanks.August Lilleaas : It uses `Hash#blank?` (in the `valid?` method). But that's about it, heh. Shouldn't be too hard to drop active_support. I just assumed it was already there, because you're in the rails context anyways.The Wicked Flea : It also uses Array#extract_options!, but that's simple enough to duplicate/extract.August Lilleaas : Yes indeed, could have been `options = attributes.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes.pop : {}`. -
You want Validatable:
sudo gem install validatable
class Person include Validatable validates_presence_of :name attr_accessor :name end
Also, Validatable does not have a dependency on ActiveSupport.
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