Friday, May 6, 2011

Easiest way to decode basic authorization in .NET

I need to validate a basic authorization header that is being sent to my HttpListener in VB.NET. I'm grabbing the header like so (feel free to point out better ways to do this as well):

EncodedAuth = Context.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization")(1)

Now how do I decode them? I understand the theory but I can't seem to find the right code.

Thank you.

From stackoverflow
  • This should do it...

    basicData = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString( System.Convert.FromBase64String( EncodedAuth ) )

    This will give you a string in the format "username:password". Split the string on ":" and you'll get the credentials.

    Ryan : Just what I was looking for, thanks.


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