I have a bit of code which runs in 10.919 s. Profiling it shows that 10.182 s are wasted in
Which is called when I use
struct.prop1 = double(jArray1);
struct.prop2 = double(jArray1);
What can be done? I have to use Java to interact with external API.
EDIT: I used the following hack:
struct.prop1 = cell2mat( cell( jArray1) );
And got down to 1.5s / 2.2s
Making the java return long comma delimited string representation of the arrays and then using
data = strread(char(jString),'%f','delimiter',',' );
Produced almost bearable performance
You might consider saving it to a file, then reading it in on the other end. It might also be similarly slow (especially if a network is involved), but it's worth a shot.
You might also consider converting it to a blob of binary data, then passing it, and converting it back.
I have a sneaking suspicion that with that bad performance it's passing each element of the array in its own transaction rather than all at once.
The problem lays in the usage of boxed Java primitives - java.lang.Double in this case.
Simply changing the signature of the Java from Double to double cause Matlab to seamlessly work with the array without the casting overhead.
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