Cursor disappears when
TextField.selectable = false;
How can I make cursor to be visible but textfield not selectable(with mouse) or CTRL+A.
I believe flash/as3 sees the text cursor as a zero width selection, I dont see how it should be possible to do what you want to here, except maybe extending textfield and placing your own cursor on mouseevents
I've seen a similar problem in the past, but I don't remember how to duplicate it. It no longer appears in the project I first saw it in, so the two things which I know have happened since then are below. Of course, there could be some other variable, but the project is working now...
I suspect that the field is still editable. That would be my first guess. The first thing I would try then:
//( in a flash.text object ( Flash or Flex ) ) myTxtFld.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; //( in a mx.controls object ( Flex ) ) myTxtFld.editable = false;
If that does not work, try nesting the TextField in something with a MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER listener and useHandCursor set to False. eg:
var spt:Sprite = new Sprite(); spt.useHandCursor = false; spt.addChild( myTxtFld ); spt.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, function( anon:* ){} );
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