I'm using detailsview in asp.net. I have gender field. when this field checked, checkbox text automatically changed to 'male', otherwise 'female'. How can i do? How to setup checkbox to this feature?
From stackoverflow
While I hope you aren't actually doing this, the following will accomplish it:
protected void chkSex_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox chkSex = (CheckBox)sender; chkSex.Text = SexString(chkSex.Checked); } protected string SexString(bool sex) { return sex ? "Male" : "Female"; }
And the markup:
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:CheckBox runat="server" Checked='<%# Eval("Sex") %>' OnCheckedChanged="chkSex_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" Text='<%# SexString((bool)Eval("Sex")) %>'/> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>
You can do this with some simple javascript.
Mark Up
<label id="sexLabel" for="sexCheckBox">Male</label> <input id="sexCheckBox" type="checkbox" onclick="sexClick(this);" />
function sexClick(checkbox) { document.getElementById('sexLabel').innerHTML = (checkbox.checked) ? 'Female' : 'Male'; }
Mark Up
<label id="sexLabel" for="sexCheckBox">Male</label> <input id="sexCheckBox" type="checkbox" />
$(function() { $('#sexCheckBox').click(function() { $('#sexLabel').text((checkbox.checked) ? 'Female' : 'Male'); }); });
Yuriy Faktorovich : Ha, I went overboard. -
Suppose the column or property name is Sex and is true if sex is male. Use this in markup:
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkSex" Text='<%# GetText((bool)Eval("Sex"))%>' Checked='<%# Eval("Sex")%>' />
write this method in code-behind:
protected static object GetText(bool b) { return b ? "Male" : "Female"; }
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