Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wordpress Blank White Page for Login

When I go to the /wp-login.php portion of my Wordpress site I get a blank white screen. In fact, throughout the entire domain I get blank white screen. Also, I can't even connect to the server via FTP (tried with other FTP accts to make sure not FTP client). Is this an issue with the host or my WP? Not even sure how to fix it if it's on my end cuz I can't even login to FTP or to the Admin Dashboard! Any help = appreciated.

  • Contact your hosting support.

    That's what they're for.

    The WP issue could be many different things, they will have access to logs and be able to (hopefully) tell you pretty quickly.

    The FTP problem is also something your host will need to help you with.

    From LukeR
  • I have this exact same problem when people upgrade their WP install, but do not turn off plugins. The fix is usually simple. FTP/SSH in, rename old plugins folder, create a new empty one and reload WP page.

    However, since you are saying that you can't even FTP into your server, this sounds like an outage on your providers side. Perhaps it also affected their database server.

    Call them up and see if it is something on their end.

    solefald : what the hell, i did not even notice that this question is over 3 months old. FAIL.
    Jed Daniels : @solefald don't blame yourself, blame Server Fault. It shouldn't have popped up on the main page if it is over 3 months old and the OP hasn't bothered to create an account here.
    From solefald
  • I have this problem too

    John Gardeniers : Please read the FAQ.
    From mike
  • I am having a similar problem with a clients site. The front-end is displaying fine, but the back-end admin sign-in page is completely blank. I can't sign into the back-end at all! Help!

    From Stewart


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