Friday, May 6, 2011

Looking for a set of tools/objects to start a website in PHP

Looking for a good set of base objects to start a website up in PHP. I am not looking for links to CakePHP as I am not interested in frameworks. I am looking for a set of objects that would come handy to start off with for new projects...

Objects such as:

  • Loggers
  • MySQL wrapper object
  • etc

Basically a "Start with this", I remember seeing a nice collection of objects and code on Digg, but I can't find it again. There were user objects (for logging in), fsck editor built in, etc...

From stackoverflow
  • MySQL wrapper object

    Use PDO.

    I am not interested in frameworks

    Well, you are. You are not looking for a tightly coupled, full stack framework perhaps.

    You might find one or more of the following useful:

    They are all very loosely coupled frameworks, where you can pick and match as you need it.

    Mike Curry : hmm, I've been looking at Zend... seems it is exactly what I want. I've been against frameworks all this time... and they are exactly what I wanted... in this case, ignorance is NOT bliss, lol. Thanks :)
  • Well, there's a bunch of digg related code found here.

    I also don't understand why you don't want to use a framework, but want to use all the components that make a framework. That didn't make much sense to me.

    I would look into the Zend Framework. Before you scream at me for recommending it, a lot of the components are modular which means you can take the bits you need.

    PS : Although Zend Framework has "framework" in the title, a lot of people see it as a collection of classes. So check it out :)

  • Frameworks by their very definition are a set of objects that come in handy when starting a new project.

    PDO can give you database abstraction without resorting to third-party libraries. Templating can be accomplished with the alternate syntax (foreach():) and short tags (<?= $var ?>). You can do it all yourself if you want, just keep the docs up and get crackin' redefining that wheel.

  • I can certainly recommend Zend Framework for this purpose. As a glue framework you can use as many or as few of the components as you like, with or without the MVC.


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