Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to determine if a string is a number in C#

I am working on a tool where I need to convert string values to their proper object types. E.g. convert a string like 2008-11-20T16:33:21Z to a DateTime value. Numeric values like 42 and 42.42 must be converted to an Int32 value and a Double value respectively.

What is the best and most efficient approach to detect if a string is an Integer or a Number? Is Int32.TryParse or Double.TryParse the way to go?

From stackoverflow
  • In terms of efficiency, yes, TryParse is generally the preferred route.

    If you can know (for example, by reflection) the target type in advance - but don't want to have to use a big switch block, you might be interested in using TypeConverter - for example:

            DateTime foo = new DateTime(2008, 11, 20);
            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(foo);
            string s = converter.ConvertToInvariantString(foo);
            object val = converter.ConvertFromInvariantString(s);
  • Int.TryParse and Double.TryParse have the benefit of actually returning the number.

    Something like Regex.IsMatch("^\d+$") has the drawback that you still have to parse the string again to get the value out.

    Dillie-O : The other added benefit is that the TryParse method returns a boolean variable, so it is easy to code for your success and fail scenarios when parsing the number.
  • I would recommend the .TryParse() personally. That's what I use anyhow. That's if your data is going to be wrong now and again. If you're certain the incoming strings will be able to convert to integers or doubles without a hitch, the .Parse() is faster.

    Here's an interesting link to support this.

  • Keeping the idea of a converter to skip a switch block, you could use the concept of Duck Typing. Basically, you want to turn a string to X, so you make a method that will call X.TryParse(string, out X x) if X has TryParse on it, otherwise you just don't bother (Or I suppose you could throw an error). How would you do this? Reflection and Generics.

    Basically you would have a method that would take in a type and use reflection to see if it has TryParse on it. If you find such a method you then call it and return whatever TryParse managed to get. This works well with just about any value type like say Decimal or DateTime.

    public static class ConvertFromString
      public static T? ConvertTo<T>(this String numberToConvert) where T : struct
        T? returnValue = null;
        MethodInfo neededInfo = GetCorrectMethodInfo(typeof(T));
        if (neededInfo != null && !numberToConvert.IsNullOrEmpty())
          T output = default(T);
          object[] paramsArray = new object[2] { numberToConvert, output };
          returnValue = new T();
          object returnedValue = neededInfo.Invoke(returnValue.Value, paramsArray);
          if (returnedValue is Boolean && (Boolean)returnedValue)
            returnValue = (T)paramsArray[1];
            returnValue = null;
        return returnValue;

    Where GetCorrectMethodInfo would look something like this:

    private static MethodInfo GetCorrectMethodInfo(Type typeToCheck)
      MethodInfo returnValue = someCache.Get(typeToCheck.FullName);
      if(returnValue == null)
        Type[] paramTypes = new Type[2] { typeof(string), typeToCheck.MakeByRefType() };
        returnValue = typeToCheck.GetMethod("TryParse", paramTypes);
        if (returnValue != null)
          CurrentCache.Add(typeToCheck.FullName, returnValue);
      return returnValue;

    And use would be:

    decimal? converted = someString.ConvertTo<decimal>();

    I hate plugging myself, but I have this fully explained here:


    Rest of It


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